

With 90% of Outotec’s employees now working remotely, 国际空间站已经灵活地扩展了其亿宝彩票app官网,以确保它们满足这种新形势的需求. 午餐现在可以从员工餐厅送到员工家中, 一些办公空间已经关闭,以减少能源消耗, and 清洁 in those still open has been intensified.

FI case - Jouni Mäkinen Outotec 2


agile response



remote work



reduced office space

The collaboration between Outotec and 国际空间站, which has been ongoing for more than ten years, has reached the point where Director of Facility & 奥图泰的房舍亿宝彩票app官网部Erkko Malinen和国际空间站的客户总监Anssi Kuosmanen不再需要举行正式会议. 而不是, 他们在奥图泰位于埃斯波的办公室里喝着一杯轻松的咖啡见面, where Anssi also often works.  

“正式会议的次数已经大大减少, 就像在工作日,我们经常发现自己很自然地见面, and in addition to this we are in daily contact,” explains Erkko.  

尽管世界正在经历前所未有的情况, this daily contact has continued more or less as normal. 为了满足奥图泰目前的需求,这些亿宝彩票app官网已经进行了修改,两家公司都准备好对不断变化的情况做出快速反应.  

“在这种特殊时期,调整国际空间站提供的亿宝彩票app官网的过程非常敏捷,这确实值得称赞,” states Erkko.


Erkko Malinen, Director of Facility & Premises 亿宝彩票app官网 at Outotec
A tasty experience 

Outotec and 国际空间站’s roots stretch back many years. 虽然两家公司自2010年以来一直直接合作, 在此之前,奥图泰是间接购买国际空间站亿宝彩票app官网的, through the Outokumpu campus. The collaboration was expanded gradually, and nowadays 国际空间站 provides services at the Lappeenranta, Espoo and Outokumpu offices. These services include reception services, 清洁, maintenance, and remodelling services, referred to by Erkko and Anssi as handyman services.  

“One of the latest additions is energy management, which has been adopted at some of our sites,” states Anssi.  

In addition to energy management, 另一个值得注意的亿宝彩票app官网范围是埃斯波办公室的餐厅亿宝彩票app官网.  

“我们合作进行了改造工作,并最终于2020年开业. 餐厅是客户体验的重要组成部分, 让我们每天都在客户的生活中占有一席之地, one lunch at a time,” says Anssi.  

“这也是客户体验中美味的一部分. 办公室位于Iso Omena购物中心对面, so the location is challenging, with plenty of competition for the restaurant. 然而, feedback has been positive across the board, with top class results in the Happy-or-Not survey,” adds Erkko.  

The restaurant also features automated checkouts, 允许员工在一天中的任何时间购买食物或饮料.  

“自动结帐在员工餐厅运作良好, which is open only to employees, as they add some flexibility to employees’ lives,” explains Anssi.  

FI case - Soili Sandberg Outotec 1
FI case - Irmeli Salminen Outotec 1
Lunches delivered to home offices 

当过渡到目前的特殊情况生效, the restaurant was able to react right away, ensuring the stability of the food supply. 这项亿宝彩票app官网最初从自助餐变成了预配餐, with operations enhanced to avoid contact. 几乎90%在办公室工作的人都转向了远程工作, 国际空间站的餐厅总监Osku Toivanen开发了一项亿宝彩票app官网, 它可以帮助奥图泰的员工订购送到家门口的午餐. 


“对于大多数员工来说,向远程工作过渡的顺利程度让我们感到非常惊讶. We have loaned employees desk chairs and monitors, 让他们在家里的办公室里按照人体工程学的方式工作. 送到他们家的午餐也有助于工作日顺利进行,”埃尔科说.  

Scalability a major asset 

除了创新的餐饮亿宝彩票app官网解决方案, 清洁 has also been intensified, and correspondingly, reception services are being managed with fewer staff. 因为现场的员工比平时少得多, some of the office spaces have been closed entirely. 

“We have shut down 60% of our office spaces, 这大大降低了物业的能源消耗,” says Erkko.  

“With the new arrangements freeing up more time, 我们已经重新组织了我们的工作,目前正在进行通常安排在夏季晚些时候的任务, such as 清洁 the windows. Whilst the degree of property usage has fallen, 物业维护工作仍须负责,设施保持清洁和安全,” explains Anssi.  

对于Erkko, 在这种前所未有的情况下,扩展整个亿宝彩票app官网实体以适应不断变化的需求的机会尤为重要. Once the situation begins to return to normal, 两家公司都需要重新审视亿宝彩票app官网实体,并决定需要什么. Anssi和Erkko也已经开始考虑远程工作是否会成为正常办公室工作的一部分.  

“Only time will tell. 我们与国际空间站的轻松合作确保了我们为变革做好了充分准备,” summarises Erkko.  

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