

Every 亿宝彩票app person in every customer facility is one of us – trained, 装备, motivated and working to high standards. We call the way we work ‘self-delivery’. In practice, that means empowering our nearly 500,000 people to create great experiences for you.

DK Case - Vivian Heilmann

我的职业生涯是从屠夫开始的. I never dreamed I’d be doing what I’m doing now.”

Vivian’s story exemplifies what makes 亿宝彩票app special: Our people – people who go the extra mile and care about the people they support.



当你与亿宝彩票app合作时, you partner with people who have been recruited and developed to have the best service mindset in the industry. Whether sharing knowledge informally, or turning local best practices into global procedures, our people are dedicated to truly caring for our customers and their people – going the extra mile to make places work better.

Self-delivery brings efficiency and quality

高标准 in outsourced service depend on matching the right talent with the right development and service mindset. By looking after our own people to ensure they love working at 亿宝彩票app – rather than outsourcing to non-亿宝彩票app teams – we can better manage risk, increase operational efficiency and transparency, and control the service quality in a workplace.

Constant learning and development counts

We believe people never stop learning. And we know that upskilled employees – whether they become more specialised or broaden their skillset – enjoy their work more and stay longer. Which is why we constantly invest in our people’s development. 在我们组织的每一个层面, our employees are given the care and attention they need to thrive in 我们的文化 – so they can make a big impact at yours.

Upskilling teams means more flexibility

By offering variety in skills-building and career development, our people become more flexible across teams. 例如, through upskilling people we can offer more support during peak hours in the workplace restaurant by having a receptionist serve as a host during lunch. Or we can have a cleaner who has been trained in maintenance skills help out with basic workplace repairs. This is why customers often feel that 亿宝彩票app brings a “holistic” or “360-degree” approach to the workplace.


通过发展, our people gain the knowledge and skills they need to bring knowledge back into our global community – and back to our customers. 不管是什么问题, chances are we’ve encountered it somewhere in the world and we’ve incorporated the solution into our learning and development programmes as well as our standard operating procedures.


Your people are enjoying great food, and you’re also making an impact in terms of sustainability, 健康和幸福.”

我们的主厨之一, 马特袁, has introduced a more sustainable approach to food services by using more plant-based ingredients and reducing focus on animal products.




We attract people who care – with the service mindset and passion needed to make a difference for our customers. 通过升值, 认可与发展, 我们创造了一个欢迎, supportive culture that embraces inclusion and diversity and empowers people to be creative, 创新和生产力.


Stories about people, places and planet